How to meaningfully get started with self-discovery

How to Meaningfully Get Started with Self-Discovery

Wanting to get started with self-discovery but not sure how? Feeling absolutely ready to take control of your life and finally be the creator of it? Using these simple and actionable steps and tips to start your self-discovery journey can do just that!

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Have you lost touch with who you truly are?

This can happen to a lot of people and cause a lack of self-worth, low self-esteem and even complete hopelessness. Leaving on a fake mask and pretending to be something you’re not is exhausting.

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery can allow you to drop that mask and create a life of fulfilment.

What is Self-Discovery?

Self-discovery is a concept that involves exploring and uncovering the depths of your inner self. Trying to discover who you are, your purpose and potential. As well as exploring what drives you and how your brain operates.

Questioning your self, your actions, and your thoughts for better self-awareness. Reflecting on these parts of you and gaining a deeper understanding of yourself that leads to a state of enlightenment.

Self-discovery is a journey for a lifetime. As beings, we are always changing, developing and adapting and with this, our inner self changes and adapts too.

But, there is more to it than just your inner self.

The conscious mind doesn’t actually amount to much of the thought processes that happen in the brain. The majority is conducted in the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is responsible for almost everything in your brain. Absorbing millions of bits of information every second, filtering our experiences, and storing them in ways that only make sense us. Creating and upholding beliefs and convictions that are backed up by the way we filter experiences.

As well as being responsible for instinctual and automatic reactions like the ‘fight or flight’ reaction. Controlling our entire body for us to be able to do the things we do every second of the day. It is pretty amazing!

However, without self-discovery and exploration, this kind of power can actually get in your way. The beliefs that you create can become redundant and not always serve you, especially as you change and grow.

Self-discovery enables you to understand both your conscious and unconscious thought. Providing you with the chance to change your thoughts and therefore, change your life.

Allowing you to become the creator of your life and the real power.

How to Get Started with Self-Discovery

This journey is absolutely going to be worth it. It is not going to be easy and there is always more to learn. Although, I think it just makes it more interesting, more exciting and a roller coaster of a journey.

5 ways to get started with self-discovery

Action is the most important step

Before diving into the tips to get started, there’s one important thing I need to mention.

Action and acting on what you learn is the most important and essential thing you can do. Reading all the books, listening to all the podcasts and watching all the videos is not going to make the difference you want.

Maybe you’re here because nothing is making the difference. I have done the same thing!

Change doesn’t occur from doing the same things in the same way. Changing and growing in yourself is active and not passive.

Actively pursue your true self and actively become your true self by applying what you learn in any way you can. Whether this is taking small steps each day (which is a great technique for self-improvement) or big leaps, you can choose how you want to take action.

Self-discovery Reading

Reading self-help and personal growth books is an excellent place to get started with self-discovery. There is a massive variety and so much choice out there that you will absolutely find something for you.

Self-discovery books offer real-life examples of how it has changed someone’s life and actionable techniques to use. Teaching you about the process of self-discovery and what this can do for you in the future.

From classics like The 7 habits of highly effective people. Walking you through 7 powerful and easy to implement habits and mindsets that completely change your life.

To my personal favourite, Tony Robbin’s books like Awaken the Giant Within. Exploring all types of techniques from NLP, cognitive behavioural therapy and more to uncover your true self and empower yourself.

Start exploring other books to kick start your self-discovery journey and remember to apply their tips and strategies in life.

If reading isn’t your thing, try Podcasts like Detail Therapy with Amy Landino or Ten Percent Happier.

Use Kindle Unlimited to have access to thousands of books, start your free trial today.

Journaling for Self-Discovery

Journaling is an effective strategy to use to get to know you and your inner self. There are also so many different types and techniques to journaling to get started with self-discovery.

Journal prompts like our 50 personal growth journal prompts provide thoughtful and reflective questions to dive into your conscious and unconscious thought. You can download them below for free!

Prompting you to deeply question yourself and analyse why you think certain ways and do the things you do. Journal prompts like these can be used at any time in your journey as well to see how you’re growing and are changing.

Downloading e-books like Getting to Know You can also provide a great place to get started with self-discovery and journaling sheets. Check it out!

Other self-discovery techniques can be using prompt cards. I have this mindful deck of cards that prompt internal reflection and consideration of myself. I especially love the quotes that have me questioning personal perspectives and where these perspectives have come from.

Read more about the LSW Mind Cards here.


Self-discovery is not going to happen overnight and can be challenging when you keep doing the same things, hoping for different results. Therefore, experimentation can be a great strategy to get started with self-discovery.

Experimenting can include all kinds of things to do with your mind, body and soul. Perhaps there are things you’ve always wanted to do but never done?

From learning a new instrument to taking up art or trying a whole new exercise class at the gym. Self-discovery encourages you to take chances, put yourself out there and try new things.

Enabling you to reveal your true courage or fears you didn’t know were there, a hidden talent or your strong will and determination. Experimenting and trying new things creates a totally new perspective and experience that can bring about the discovery of self.

This is the kind of action you need but it can go to waste if you don’t use it as part of your self-discovery. Ensuring you question your thoughts, feelings and actions to gain the internal understanding and awareness of self.

Create a Picture of Your Ideal Self

Most of us are on a journey of self-discovery to encourage growth and change. However, this is usually motivated by some kind of goal. Perhaps you want a better career or relationships or health?

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery can allow you to improve all areas of your life. To get started with self-discovery, you may want to create a picture of your ideal self.

  • What do you look like?
  • What beliefs do you hold?
  • How is your life in areas such as career, relationships, health, finances, spirituality, mindset…?
  • What are your regrets?

Even a partial picture of the future you want for yourself can be a powerful enough motivator for self-discovery. Now you can compare where you are now. Providing you with parts of yourself now that you want to uncover and develop or change.

There are even things to be discovered from the future picture you paint. Hinting at things you might not like about yourself that maybe you should embrace or beliefs that you have now that will stop you from becoming your best self.

Get started with Self-Discovery right now

You have nothing to lose!

Starting your journey for the discovery of you is one of the best and most important things you can do. Creating self-awareness and understanding that can help you become the creator of your life.

Taking action to uncover your true self and your beliefs can unleash your personal power. Helping you to become your best, future self.

Learning more about self-discovery in books and podcasts can get the ball rolling. Exploring your thoughts, actions and emotions through journaling can help you dive deep into your unconscious thought and what drives you.

Experimenting and learning new things can push the boundaries of your comfort zone. But can encourage the most amazing discoveries of you.

Start your journey of self-discovery today using these powerful tips.

3 thoughts on “How to Meaningfully Get Started with Self-Discovery

    1. It was different for me! I’ve only started journaling the past year or so and it does make the most difference when I really filter through my brain right haha

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