Relaxing by the ocean for mental wellbeing

What is Holistic Health and Wellness and What does it mean for you?

Holistic health and wellness is the new buzz word and 2020 is going to see more and more of it. Health and wellness are coming to the forefront of modern-day and life and rightly so. Now you’re wondering what holistic health and wellbeing really mean?

What is a Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness?

In modern society, health is often associated with not being sick or presenting a physical illness. Medicine has helped treat us, make us feel ‘better’ and well again. However, this is not always the case.

Health is not just about your physical being and any illness, it also includes your mental and emotional health. Holistic health considers the mind and body to be connected and each affecting the other. Therefore, if you suffer from chronic illness, this can affect your mental wellbeing significantly.

This approach sees you as a whole. Not as symptoms presented from an illness as modern medicine does. A physical illness could, in fact, be caused by mental imbalance and a poor mindset.

Wellness and wellbeing also factor in more areas of life for health and balance. This can include:

  • Emotional
  • Intellectual
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Environmental
  • Social and
  • Professional

Holistic wellness encompasses every aspect of your being, by balancing these areas, you discover optimal health. Seeing all elements of life as connected and whole, you become more aware of your overall wellbeing.

Ultimately, stress, diet, environment, physical health, and social interactions can impact your wellness. Whether in a positive way or a negative way is dependent on you.

The predicted trends in health and wellbeing in 2020 include nutrition, skincare, aging, and burnout. This goes to show that wellness is not just about your physicality, but your whole self.

Make a wonderful start for your health and wellness

Holistic Health, Wellness and You

With these basics in mind, what does holistic health and wellness have to do with you?

Even if you show no physical illness, you will need to constantly work on your wellbeing. Here are some things you can do to start living well and intentionally.

Introduce a Workout Routine

Working out is a huge part of your physical wellness. Training has so many benefits including increased blood flow and circulation, aid weight loss, and boost energy.

You choose to do yoga, or running, or weight training, whichever works for you! The beauty of choosing a training regime is that it can work it into and lifestyle. Additionally, setting realistic training goals gives you focus and target for your wellbeing.

Mind Medicine has over 10 Years of experience in fitness and can make the perfect training program for you!

Fuel Yourself with the Right Nutrition

Your physical function will not be optimal if you are not fuelling your body with the right nutrition! Ask yourself:

  • How do I feel after eating carbohydrates?
  • Do I have a balanced diet?
  • Am I turning to poor nutrition in an emotional way?
  • How aware am I about the nutrition I am consuming?

Often, people turn to food for convenience and not understanding what is really going into our bodies. Therefore, consider carefully what you consume and where it has come from.

This does not mean constantly counting calories. Instead, nurture a positive relationship with food and the benefits that come with good nutrition. The best part about a nutrition plan is you can tailor it to you, your body and feel good for it.

Mind Medicine can help you create a tailored meal plan that works for your goals and nutritional needs.

Invest Time In Yourself

A holistic approach to health and wellness is more than just about your physical body. Therefore, you need to invest time into your mental wellbeing too.

Our brains are complicated, detailed, and mysterious things. This can make it difficult to get to the route of any problems you face. How do you know your mind needs work?

  • If you feel unfulfilled and unhappy in your life
  • You’ve ever started a diet and never finished or reached your goal
  • If you feel unworthy and not good enough (this is common for too many people)
  • Your body isn’t pleasing and makes you unhappy
  • If you fall into repetitive, negative behaviours
  • You feel misaligned with your purpose

There are too many thoughts and feelings to list them all. However, many of these resonate with people. Even if they don’t, your mental health will still need improving.

This can be due to limiting beliefs, mental blocks, negative self-talk, and self-sabotaging behaviour. The investigation of your mental state can reveal the wellness of your emotional, spiritual, social and environmental health and wellbeing.

To overcome these, invest time and effort in yourself through personal development, coaching, or courses. Additionally, including meditation, journaling and mindfulness in your daily wellness routine can greatly improve your mind.

Here at Mind Medicine, we know the value of mentality and how it changes lives. We offer one to one coaching for your wellbeing.

Take action for your health and wellbeing

Take Action

Now you know the factors that contribute to your health and wellbeing, it’s time to take action. Your health is extremely important and you are the one in control of it. Understanding your body, your health and mentality can completely change your life and how you live it.

Deciding how you want to go forward and be the best version of yourself is the first step and action is the most difficult. Introduce a wellness routine into your daily life, choose nutrition and training for your body.

We want to hear from you! Share your personal routine with us and the struggles you’ve overcome with us! Send an email to