2020 is here! And hasn’t the past year flown by so quickly, as if in a blink of an eye? The New Year is an excellent time to reflect on the past, learn and change. However, often resolutions are made and not kept.
Some of us cannot even remember the resolutions that we made at the beginning of 2019. The thought of starting it all again seems daunting. But this is not how you should approach the New Year.
A New Year can mean a New You, it can also mean becoming a better version of yourself right now. So here are some ways to start off 2020 in the right way.

How to Start 2020 off the Right Way
Reflect on 2019
Even though it may feel like the years pass by in a flash, taking time to reflect is essential. Ask yourself:
- What have I accomplished this year?
- How have my relationships improved or failed?
- What skills have I learnt or grown?
- What were the positive and negative moments?
- Did you achieve what you intended?
Go deep into the past year and think of every instance where these questions apply. Explore yourself with detail and honesty and bravery. Analyse all areas of life, such as your career, relationships, family, finances, health and more.
When you do this, you can see the progress you have made, however small or big. Celebrate your wins and know that any loses are for your growth, learning, and future.
Be Grateful
Gratitude is one of the most powerful, positive feelings you can create for yourself. Now you’ve looked at how the past year has gone for you, you can be grateful for it.
Be grateful for all the positive things that have happened for you, how you’ve grown, what you have learnt, and how far you’ve come. Think of the people that are around you, that have stuck by you, and be thankful for them.
Also, be grateful for the privilege and ease of which we live. As Christmas has just come and gone, be thankful for the thought and generosity from others too.
There is so much to be grateful for in this life and often, it goes unnoticed. Which makes the end of this year a great time to reflect positively on what we already have.
Define your Future Self
We tend to make new years resolutions on the off chance that we will keep and be transformed as a person. However, a few changes here and there are not going to make the lasting change you desire.
Therefore, take a journal and define who you want to be.
- Do you want a new career?
- How do you want to wake up in the morning?
- How do you want to feel every day?
- What habits do you need to have?
- How will you grow and learn?
- What kinds of relationships do you want to have?
- Are there any negative behaviours you want to overcome?
- How are you going to look after yourself and your health?
When you do this, you set a benchmark for yourself. You are holding yourself to a better standard than your previous self. This allows you to begin to make the transition into a better version of yourself.
Write these ideas down and look to them regularly to remind yourself of who you want to be. However, we do not want you to punish yourself for not doing everything on the list, we are only human after all.

Set SMART Goals
There is nothing worse than a continuous, endless goal. This is what resolutions often are, something half-hearted like ‘I will go to the gym every day’ or ‘I will stop drinking alcohol’.
These are not SMART Goals. There is no defining moment when you know you’ve reached this goal. Or any way to track your progress.
SMART goals, however, do this much better.
Rather than creating resolutions, come up with 5-10 goals for this year. Firstly, think of the overall goal, eg. ‘to lose weight’. Then you can dive deeper and define it more specifically:
- What is the end goal? eg. ‘Lose 20 pounds’
- What time frame do you want to achieve this goal in? eg. ’12 weeks’
- Is it achievable/realistic?
When you have a more solid goal, you will find it easier to achieve. You will be more focused, be able to measure your progress and know when your goal is completed.
Therefore, this is a more positive and effective way of making New Yew Year’s resolutions.
Invest in Yourself
Sometimes the scariest thing we can do is invest in our selves. Why is it so scary? Often, there is a lack of belief or self-worth and a fear of failure. This makes it difficult to take the leap and absolutely go for it.
Investing in yourself can mean financially, educationally, mentally or through time and care. How can you invest in yourself? What do you need? Is there something you’ve been wanting to do but were too scared before?
Here at Mind Medicine, we believe in your Holistic Health and Wellbeing. This is usually ignored as other commitments in life seem more important than the health of mind, body, and soul.
You have already outlined the person you want to become in this new year, what investments do you need to make to get there?
Start Your Year Off the Right Way
With these tips in mind, now is the best time to start the New Year off the right way! Time to grab 2020 with both hands and jump right in.
Who will you become by this time next year? How far have you come already?
Do not let life happen TO you, live it.
Don’t Know Where to Start?
Why not let Mind Medicine make a tailored, personal training and nutrition for you?
These programs will be specific to your goals for this new year. Not only this, having a program to stick to will give you focus and drive to reach your health goals now!