Exploring how self-discovery contributes to improved health and wellbeing
How are you feeling right now? Fulfilled, happy and energised every day or the complete opposite? At one time or another, we’ve all been there. But the pursuit of wellness and self-discovery can completely change the way you are feeling right now.
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Here’s where I was a few short years ago. A recent graduate from university, hunting for a job with no success. Feeling totally clueless about what I actually wanted to do with my life.
I used to think I would just go with the flow but still be in control of my own decisions. But right then, I felt neither of those things.
Instead, I was plagued by emptiness and a yearning for something more. I lacked conviction, motivation and fulfilment. Leaving my relationships to suffer and mindset to deteriorate.
I had completely lost touch with who I was. Or maybe I never truly knew in the first place…
I started exploring and diving into personal development and self-discovery to be able to reclaim my self. Now, I’m on the forever journey of learning and understanding more about me.
Self-discovery has allowed me to improve my overall wellness in so many areas including my relationships, career path and especially my mindset.
This can happen for you too. Here’s why wellness and self-discovery are incredibly important together.
What is Self-discovery?
Self-discovery is a life long journey of exploring and understanding our inner selves. Uncovering your passions, characteristics, beliefs, and connecting with your true self.
Knowing what really makes you, you.
Without this deep exploration and understanding, things such as limiting beliefs can sabotage your life. Holding you back in subtle ways that you might not even realise. They’re probably happening right now!
As your environment and circumstances change, so do you and the journey of self-discovery never ceases. Problems can pop up at any time and old beliefs can become redundant. Providing you with opportunities for constant exploration and development.
Helping you to recognise your skills and weaknesses and develop them over time. As well as revealing your purpose and the life path you want to take.
Self-discovery is an amazing tool to help you live a fulfilling life that has meaning to you.
Alternatively, you could be living a life as a result of others and may never truly know what you are capable of.
Read more about how to start your self-discovery journey today!

How does Self-discovery improve wellness?
It is clear that self-discovery has a lot of positives to offer you. However, what can it do for your wellness? Is self-discovery that important for your health and wellbeing?
The answer is yes and here’s why…
Control over your life
When I was feeling lost, I was not in control of my own life.
Often other people’s decisions had a knock-on effect on mine. As a result, I had no idea where I was heading or why. Living like this can result in your overall wellbeing suffering significantly.
Whereas, self-discovery puts you in the driver’s seat.
The understanding and knowledge you gain from exploring your inner self are amazing. Providing you with meaning and a direction for you to take to improve your life.
Ultimately, a journey of self-discovery allows you to take aligned action in the future. Ensuring that the decisions you make will positively impact your life and your wellness.
Encourages emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is an awareness and understanding of your emotions. Helping you manage and use your emotions in more positive ways like relieving stress and communicating more effectively.
Often, your emotions can cause you to be highly reactive. However, negative emotions can result in negative and impulsive reactions.
Self-discovery nurtures emotional intelligence as you explore your inner self and thought processes. Helping you to realise the thoughts that trigger particular emotions. Therefore, providing you with the tools to manage the emotion and react more positively, not reactively.
This self-awareness and understanding boost your emotional and mental wellness.
Better relationships
As you start your journey of self-discovery, you’ll begin to understand more about yourself. Resulting in you being more aware of what positively and negatively impacts you and your wellness.
Including the relationships you have and the people, you surround yourself with. Perhaps you need to cut some people out of your life. Or you may lose relationships as they do not accept you for who you are.
However, this is not all bad. The friends you gain and existing relationships you have can be strengthened. Providing you with more value and more positive effects on your life. Ultimately, self-discovery improves your social wellness too.
Mindful of physical self
Self-discovery can reveal the habits and actions you take that do not support your wellness.
For example, one of my bad habits is watching too much TV (and by too much I mean that it could be on all day if I wanted). Creating a cycle of feeling bad about myself for watching TV and demotivating me from doing anything. Resulting in more TV watching.
This does not support my mental or physical wellness one bit.
However, self-awareness has enabled me to identify this negative pattern. Ensuring that I am able to recognise it and change it to positively support my wellness and self-discovery.
Therefore, self-discovery makes you more mindful of what you do each day. Mindfully caring for your physical wellness through healthy nutrition and exercise. As well as, mindful of what positively supports your mental and emotional wellness.
Improved happiness and satisfaction
Studies have shown that those with more insight were more satisfied with life and happier. Low levels of insight correlated to lower levels of satisfaction and happiness. Interestingly, self-reflection does not actually add to a person’s happiness or satisfaction with life.
This is evident in the benefits outlined above. Better relationships, emotional intelligence and more control all contribute to enhanced happiness. Therefore, encouraging positive effects on your overall health and wellness.
Final thoughts on Wellness and Self-discovery
I think it is evident that self-discovery has incredible power and a positive effect on your wellness. I have personally experienced these benefits and continue on my journey every day.
You can transform your life and wellness today with self-discovery. Start taking control of your life by understanding your inner self. Welcoming a positive mindset, emotional intelligence, better relationships and experiences for enhanced wellness.
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