people queueing for shops in life after lockdown causing post-lockdown anxiety

Easy and Practical Ways to Overcome Post-Lockdown Anxiety

Lockdown has seen businesses closing, people losing their jobs and normal life changed completely. But as the world begins to reopen and a ‘new normal’ emerges, post-lockdown anxiety is setting in. Here are 6 easy, practical ways for you to overcome this post-lockdown anxiety right now.

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Post-lockdown anxiety has recently been discussed by Anxiety UK.

Described as the fear or worry of returning to normality after lockdown. Coronaphobia also being dubbed by the media as the same fear of life after lockdown.

It is clear that adjusting to life going back to somewhat normal, is scary for many.

Where has this anxiety come from?

What will life after lockdown look like?

How safe are we going to be?

How is the world going to adjust?

These kinds of questions are at the forefront of everyone’s minds as lockdowns are lifted.

Before lockdown, fear and worry were created by the adjustment to life at home. Feeling trapped, restricted and confronted with being alone and missing the comfort of friends and family.

Now that it has been quite a while in this state of being. Even the most fearful have welcomed the change at home and the slower pace of life. Allowing more time to sleep, reflect and improve your health at home.

I know that I have super enjoyed being at home! Embracing the slow life and healthier habits. I hope that I continue these habits in the ‘new normal’ after lockdown.

Although, it is the unknown future that is one of the reasons causing post-lockdown anxiety. This is unchartered territory, just as the pandemic is, and we do not know what the future holds.

Just though as it was OK to be worried about coping with and in lockdown, it’s equally  OK to worry about the next ‘adjustment’ phase and whatever this may bring

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK conducted several studies and concluded that most anxiety is being caused by fear of contracting the virus (57%). In addition to using public transport (49.3%), going shopping (45.9%), and returning to work or education (45.8%).

It is clear, that going back to pre-restriction life is going to be strange and scary. However, these fears can escalate to the extreme like fear of leaving the house altogether.

These fears and anxieties are completely normal and you are not alone in feeling this way.

If this anxiety begins to interfere with your normal life then it can become a cause for concern. This can range from poor sleep, breathlessness, feeling tense, low moods, and a reluctance to go back to normal.

How to Overcome Post-lockdown Anxiety

There are proactive ways that you can overcome this post-lockdown anxiety. Helping you cope and adapt to new life and thrive in the ‘new normal’.

6 Practical ways to overcome post-lockdown anxiety

1. Start Re-introducing a Routine

Even if you are not back at work or your usual tasks, you can still keep to a routine.

Routines are great ways to reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve sleep. Therefore, boosting and maintaining your health and wellness.

Perhaps you are going to go back to work soon and are anxious about it. Introducing and sticking to a routine as if you are preparing for work or a normal day can reduce this anxiety.

Your routine can include the activities that you personally need for your mental and physical health. Such as an at-home workout, journaling and meditation. Creating a healthy morning routine can help you start of the day the right way.

Having time to experiment with different techniques to improve your health can be hugely beneficial. You can then integrate these techniques to reduce your anxiety as life goes back to a kind of normal.

2. Take Baby Steps if Needed

Post-lockdown anxiety can be increased by worrying about the future. As we already established, we do not know what is going to happen. The future is unpredictable and this lack of control can be frightening.

Therefore, you can take each day at a time. Baby steps are much more manageable and much less scary.

Similarly, a routine gives you small steps and tasks to prepare you mentally and physically for the day. Not allowing your mind to run circles around what could happen. Providing a focus on your current actions.

Additionally, if you have anxieties about specific activities, you can tackle these one at a time.

For example, anxiety about being in public again can be dealt with in stages. Firstly just walking up the road and back home. Progressing to a longer walk and short visits to the park or grocery store.

Identify your anxiety and come up with a plan of how you can tackle it. Challenge the ideas you have about these activities, prove them wrong and put your mind at ease.

One baby step at a time.

3. Work Within Your Circle of Influence

As already highlighted, post-lockdown anxiety is being caused by fear of the future and a lack of control. Taking on small tasks can significantly help ease the anxiety.

Another element to consider is taking the steps that are within your circle of influence. This means focusing on what is within your control and what you can change.

This includes observing social distancing guidelines. Keeping your distance from others is your responsibility for your health. If being in public is causing you anxiety, start with small trips and see how easy it is for you to keep your distance.

This experience will help you manage your fear and reveal how you can manage the outside world easily.

Also within your circle of influence is your thoughts. Thoughts are triggers for our emotions. Not understanding how your thoughts are impacting you and where your emotions are originating can be confusing. Resulting in more anxiety.

Therefore, taking time to evaluate and understand your thoughts is going to make a massive difference. Providing you with the information to tackle and overcome your post-lockdown anxiety.

4. Get Enough Sleep

I cannot stress how important sleep is for your mental and physical health.

Poor sleep can actually reduce immune cells by up to 70%. In times like these, your immune system is more important than ever.

Sleep is a time when the body and mind rest, regenerate and energise for the next day. However, post-lockdown anxiety can be causing insomnia and poor quality sleep.

Resulting in your mind and body not being at optimal health. This can make your anxiety worse as you are fatigued, lacking energy and motivation.

Therefore, having enough, quality sleep is going to be important to help overcome post-lockdown anxiety.

To do this you can create an evening routine, ensuring you sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time every morning. Allowing your body to naturally get into a restorative sleep routine.

In addition, sleep meditations can hugely improve your sleep. Providing you with time to clear your mind of chaotic thoughts and relax.

My favourite sleep meditations are on the Smiling Mind app. Creating a relaxing atmosphere, using effective breathing techniques and clearing my mind easily.

5. Journaling

Jornaling can be an excellent tool to relieve post-lockdown anxiety and included in your daily routine.

Sometimes, not being able to communicate your thoughts can make them more severe. In lockdown, it is also difficult to have the support you need from your friends and family.

Therefore, a journal can be a companion to help clear your mind and articulate your thoughts and feelings. When writing down what you think and feel, it solidifies it.

Providing the opportunity to dive deeper into your anxiety and gain an understanding of it. This understanding means you can take action to tackle them and overcome them.

You can use your journal any time you feel anxious or unstable. Allowing your worries to flow out of you and release them in a healthy way.

6. Breathing Techniques

Breath is a great way to anchor you to the present. Mindfulness techniques often use your breath to bring you back to the present moment. Halting any spiralling thoughts.

This is an effective technique to use if you feel your anxiety getting out of control. Giving you time to pause, evaluate your thoughts and emotions and choose how to react.

You can also use your breath to centre yourself. Imagine as you breathe in, you are breathing in energy and strength. Restoring your energy as you tackle any challenge.

Meditation can be a great way to practice breathing techniques and focusing on the present moment. Why not add this to your morning routine to energise yourself when starting your day?

Post-lockdown Anxiety Will Not Stop You

These 6 techniques can be used effectively to help overcome your post-lockdown anxiety. By overcoming your fear and anxiety, you will not let it stop from living your fullest life.

Managing stress and anxiety is extremely important for your mental and physical wellness. This is through the powerful mind-body connection. Therefore, you should use these easy and practical ways to continually improve your health and wellbeing.

This pandemic is life changing, but you can let break you or build you into a stronger person. The adaption we have seen going into lockdown is already astounding. Adaption to the ‘new normal’ is possible and you can still thrive.

Let us know how you are adapting and exceeding your own expectations right now in the comments!