2020 has been a heck of a ride but with 2021 just around the corner, how can you be more intentional and embrace the new year?
The turn of a new year always seems to trigger and need and urge for change. Setting new years resolutions, goals and creating a kind of hope for a better year to come.
For me, embracing the new year is about being considerate and thoughtful. It is very easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the holidays and celebration, but this year has been so different to many others. 2021 might need to be your most thoughtful new year transition yet.
I want to help you be prepared. If 2020 has shown me anything it is to be prepared for the unexpected and the turn of the new year doesn’t mean the unexpected is going to stop. Not knowing what is around the corner can create anxiety and fear for the future.
Being mentally prepared and ready for those challenges can make all the difference. I’ve got 5 top tips to help you embrace the new year in a positive way. Helping you create a stronger and more uplifted mindset that can help you get through 2021 successfully.

6 ways to embrace the New Year
1. It is just another day in the life
The mood of the calendar changing and turning over a new leaf is a typical feeling for this time of year. It is part of our society to celebrate the date and welcome in the new year. But in reality, it is just another day and sometimes doesn’t feel any different. Almost anti-climactic.
Time is continuous, always moving through day and night, life and death. Just because the calendar says it’s a new year doesn’t mean anything significant will suddenly change. Especially as we are still in the midst of the pandemic where these struggles are expected to continue.
Although the new year is a great time to trigger change. I also don’t want you to expect it.
This is also a fact we face every new year. It is the same as another day and just because the calendar displays a new year doesn’t necessarily mean change is going to happen right now.
It seems the New Year may be the only time that embracing a new day is exciting. However, you can treat any day like that! A new year is not the only chance for a new start and the concept can be applied any time of the year.
2. Change is your responsibility
What change really comes down to is you.
It can be your mindset, your actions, your thoughts, your activities that can determine change. These are all actions in your circle of control and responsibility. It is not the new year that is responsible for causing change but perhaps triggering it in you.
You need to hold yourself accountable for the change you want. No one else can do it for you. Things can change due to other people’s actions, however, these can be seen as opportunities to learn, realign and find new ways to move forward.
Holding yourself responsible for your life also prepares you for the unexpected. Helping you to think in different ways like, ‘how can I use this to my advantage?’ and ‘what can I learn?’…
Here are a few steps to take to make change this new year:
1. Decide to make a change. Deciding is the most powerful step to making change. Helping you to stay committed to your goals and keep the promise to yourself. Not allowing you to be indecisive, change your mind or go back on yourself. When you decide, you commit and this magic thing happens where a weight is lifted and you can be unapologetically you.
2. Make a plan. You may have decided to make changes but without an action plan, it can be difficult to put it into practice. Therefore, creating an action plan can give the direction you need. Helping you to stay on track and be accountable for your actions.
3. Take action. With this plan in mind, you can begin to take action and follow through on your plan. It can be easy to come up with the plan and decide to change. However, thinking about it is only part of the equation, action is where change actually happens. Taking action is being responsible for your life and the change you want to create.
3. Change isn’t instant
The new year may be here but change is not going to happen all of a sudden. Even with a plan in mind, it takes time to execute it and make the changes you desire. Considering it as more of a journey than an overnight miracle.
Be forgiving of yourself throughout the journey. Potentially facing set backs, direction changes and breaks. You don’t need to be on the go all of the time and occasionally might even need time away from your goals to avoid burn out. This is absolutely okay and is part of the process.
Embracing a growth mindset is also important during the journey of change. Things may not go to plan but do not let it deter you. Alternatively looking at it with a perspective of growth. How can you learn from these experiences and knowing that failure is an opportunity for growth.
Keeping in mind that change is a journey, helps to take the pressure off substantially. Allowing you to gradually take action and work towards your goal instead of trying to do everything at once.

4. Reflect on the past year
One great way to embrace the new year is to reflect on the past one, especially in gratitude.
Although it has been a tough year, I’m sure there are some gems in there that are really special. Thinking of the past year in detail helps to reveal experiences and feelings that you are so thankful for.
You may have been stuck indoors, pulling your hair out, struggling to homeschool your children. But maybe sitting down together for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day brought you closer as a family.
Maybe you were furloughed and had extreme anxiety about the future of your job. But had the opportunity to find more fulfilment in a new hobby and learnt a new skill.
Even the small things like seeing your grandparents from their window are times to be grateful for. Knowing that they are safe, happy and overjoyed to see you too.
Reflect on the past year and consider what has 2020 given you. List out all of the things that you are grateful for this year. Reflecting on how it changed your life in small or significant ways. Be present in those moments, feel them deeply and let the gratitude fill you.
5. Release the past year
Reflecting on 2020 can bring up many experiences that were not so great. Dwelling on the negative can encourage this mood into the new year
Therefore, you need to release those negative feelings, resentments and regrets. Allowing you to step forward into the new year with fresh eyes.
Release the past year by creating a list of the negatives. Breath deeply and let it go. Imagining them floating away from you, losing colour and focus and detaching yourself from them. Letting those feelings and thoughts lose their power completely.
You might have to repeat this activity a few times, perhaps focusing on one thing at a time. Especially as it can take time let go of your struggles. However, it can feel like a weight off your shoulders.
This can also be an excellent time for forgiveness. Holding onto anger or hate can be a heavy feeling and sometimes it takes a lot of courage to forgive. Forgiveness can be a releasing experience for all parties.
Allowing you to move on and embrace the new year positively.
6. Set intentions for the New Year
Typically, new year is a good time for setting goals. However, it is not just your goals that need to be considered and resolutions set. You can also consider how you want to be as a person, the experiences you want to have and the action you want to take.
I like to choose one word to define how I want to be in the next year. One year my word was ACTION. Using this to remind me to take action and move towards my goals no matter what.
2020 has been more about RESILIENCE. Perhaps this might be a word to choose to remind you that you are strong and can continue to overcome adversity.
Start by listing out your intentions for 2021. Evaluating the steps you want to take and how you want to show up this year. Exploring the person you want to be, what you want to change and what you want to stay the same.
Sum this up in one or two words. Let this be your motto and affirmation to embrace the new year with open arms.
Final thoughts to embrace the New Year
All of these tips are focused on your mentality going into 2021. Creating a whole new perspective of the coming year.
Use this time of year to review 2020 in detail. Exploring experiences to be thankful for and releasing any negativity to enter 2021 positively. As well as choosing a one word motto and deciding to make change with an action plan.
What is amazing about this time of year is the way it triggers and encourages change. Use this to your advantage to set inspiring goals but also remembering that change is a journey. How are you embracing the new year? Let us know in the comments!